A curl-focused salon that exists to teach you
to love your curls!
Located in Bryn Mawr PA, Curl Hair and Wellness is a texture-focused salon that has been servicing the greater Main Line Philadelphia area since June 2016. Our name Curl Hair and Wellness was created by stylist and owner, Teresa Badolato, for her passion with curly hair.
Embracing our inner beauty as well as outer is more than a make- over, it's a transformation!

"Frizz is just a curl waiting to happen..."
- Lorraine Massey
Before and after #Rëzocut and #rëzolites by Tori. ❤️ @tori.stantonnn
#hairbytoristanton_curl #rëzostylistpa #cgm #cgmethod #naturallyshesdope #naturalhairconmunity #curlycommunity #naturalhairdaily #oligopro #oligoblacklight #paintedhair #curls #curlsrock #curlmania #curlnection #curlconfidence #curlsunderstood #frizzisjustacurlwaitingtohappen #curlspecialist #colorist #beforeandafter #curlyhair

Admiring this #rëzocut before and after transformation by Lindy. ❤️✂️🩷@hart_lindy
#hairbylindyhart_curl #rëzostylistpa #curlygirl #curlygirlmethod #cgm #cgmethod #frizzisjustacurlwaitingtohappen #naturallycurly #curlgirl #curlygirlexperiment #curlscurlscurls #curlsloveus #curlsunderstood #rëzohaircare #naturallyshesdope #naturalcurls #naturalhairjourney #curlycommunity #curl

Must See Color and Cut on Jamie👀🍾 Make Sure to Swipe ALL the way ➡️ to see the before! #rëzotransformation by Doreen ✂️🌹. #hairbydoreen_curl
#rëzocut #naturalhair #curlyblondehair #rëzophilly #rëzousa #curly #rëzolites
#rëzostylist #curlycut
#naturalhaircommunity #embraceyourcurls #rizos #curlygirl #igcurls #rezotransformation #oligopro #cachos #curls #naturalhairjourney #rezocut #curlycutspecialist #curlycutsphilly #curlycommunity #curlycutmethod #curlygirlmethod #phillycurlspecialist #phillycurls #mainlinecurls

#rëzotransformation by Tori!! ❤️✂️❤️✂️
#hairbytoristanton_curl @tori.stantonnn @nubiarezo
#rëzocut #rëzostylistpa #curlspecialist #curlcommunity #naturalhairjourney #naturalhaircommunity #naturallyshesdope #cgm #cgmethod #curlygirlexperiment #curlyhair #curlnection #curlconfidence #curlspoppin #curlsloveus #naturalhairdaily #naturalhairrocks #curlsunderstood

Amazing wavy/curly #rëzotransformation by Teresa. ✂️❤️❤️
#rëzocut #rëzohaircare #curlycut #cgm #cgmethod #beforeandafter #naturallyshesdope #frizzisacurlwaitingtohappen #curlnection #curlconfidence #wavesfordays #wavyhairroutine #1c #curlspoppin #naturalhairdaily #curlycommunity #curlsaunaturel #naturalhairjourney #naturalhaircommunity